natural teeth whitening

Natural Teeth Whitening: Top Tips

Having white teeth is important for self-confidence. More people than ever are hiding their teeth in photos, embarrassed by their yellow hue, so it’s not hard to see why teeth whitening is rising in popularity.

Many people are turning to DIY whitening strips and chemical-based professional treatments, but is this really the best way? After all, the components used in teeth bleaching include a variety of harsh ingredients that can damage your health which is why, in this article, I explore the best ways to whiten teeth naturally.

Brush After Eating and Drinking

The most effective way to get white teeth naturally is to brush your teeth after eating or drinking. However, this may be difficult to maintain when eating at work, school, or when you’re out and about. If you’d rather keep your toothbrush at home, avoiding food and drink that is likely to stain your teeth can help, too.

Coffee, tea, and fizzy drinks are just a couple of the beverages that contribute to yellow teeth. While avoiding these drinks entirely isn’t always necessary, it is good practice to brush your teeth after consuming them if you want to keep your teeth white. Drinking staining drinks through a straw can also help to reduce the adverse effects.

Most foods do not stain your teeth, however, brushing after each meal can help to keep them in excellent condition. If you are a smoker, you’re almost guaranteed to end up with discoloured teeth over time. Although there is no way to completely prevent discolouring, having your teeth cleaned professionally every three months may help, in addition to trying some of my natural teeth whitening remedies.

Coconut Oil Pulling

Coconut oil pulling is a popular method of natural teeth whitening. In addition to helping achieve white teeth, research suggests that oil pulling can keep your teeth in optimum condition, too.

Coconut oil pulling is very simple. To begin, put a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth. As you move the oil around, it will start to melt. Once melted, swish it between your teeth for five to ten minutes before spitting it out. Alternatively, you can apply a small amount to your toothbrush and brush it onto your teeth. The antimicrobial properties of coconut oil make it great for cleaning and protecting your gums, too.

Activated Charcoal

Another excellent method of natural teeth whitening is using activated charcoal. Activated charcoal absorbs plaque from the teeth, which can help to prevent staining. The natural product will also absorb leftover food particles – making it one of the best ways to whiten teeth naturally!

Activated charcoal can be found easily in the UK. If you can’t find the product at your local supermarket, your nearest health food store should have some in stock. Once you’ve got your hands on the product, wet your toothbrush and dip it into the pot; then, just brush your teeth as usual before rinsing your mouth with water. For the best results, I recommend brushing your teeth with activated charcoal two to four times per week.

Whether you’re hoping to achieve white, sparkling teeth for an upcoming event, or you’re interested in maintaining a dazzling smile to boost your self-esteem, follow my top tips to get whiter teeth naturally.

Looking for a makeup artist in London to make your smile pop? Contact KSAVI today to book an appointment.

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