Making It Count

There was a stark realisation yet again yesterday that everything in an instant could be snatched away.

We come as a human body with a beautiful soul, and we leave as a soul departed with just the remains of a vessel of a body or just our ashes.

So why during the time we are on this Earth, aren’t we striving to make our time here count? I have stopped living in fear, instead, I make decisions thoroughly and quickly, I grab the opportunities, and I strive to make everyday count.

Whether that’s closing the door on something to strive to create space in my mind, my soul or my physical space, or it could be planning a move when the timing is right, or it could be taking care of my health and mental attitude to be the best version of me for me, my family and the things I want to do.

Why do we leave the best possible moments of our life to the last minute? Why do we have that argument that has no value or meaning whatsoever, and why do we put off building our passions or spending time on our hobbies until we retire?

I get it, building our lives for the material things comes in the way, but question, does that really make you happy? Shouldn’t there be a balance between achieving our basic needs and then learning to love yourself and the things you love doing and people you like being around?

Isn’t it our duty to feed our own souls with good, with kindness, with purpose, with happiness so that we can spread that across to our loved ones?

I know I’m a bit deep in my thoughts today, but that’s because I’m on that journey and because yesterday whilst releasing Shivi and my father-in-law’s ashes finally, we got closure, and at that moment, these were the thoughts in my head. My husband captured pictures of me deep in thought.

I’m already on that journey, you all know about it, and also hoping and striving for those around me to find themselves too. But I want that for everyone that I’m in touch with, and that’s why I wanted to share this post here today.

Make yourself happy, think about what I’ve said, it’s not something you don’t already know, but what’s stopping you, are you acting upon it and is there something you can start to change today?


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