How to Get Rid of Acne Scars - KSAVI

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Acne is a nightmare! Nobody likes blackheads and the scars and blemishes they often leave behind.

As a makeup artist, I’ve noticed many clients try to cover up their blackhead marks with makeup. While that can help in the short term, there are ways to speed up the fading of scarring.

Here are some tips that you might want to try at home to get rid of acne scars:

Laser Treatment

If you want a quick method of acne scar removal, then laser treatment is your first option. Non-invasive light is used to remove scarring and stimulates collagen to be produced in your face around the scarred area.

Pure Lavender Oil

If a doctor’s office sends shivers down your spine, then a natural remedy to get rid of acne scars is pure lavender oil. I recommend Skin Owl’s lavender beauty drops.

Lemon Juice

Lemons are something all of us have lying around the home somewhere, so this is an easy form of acne scar removal. Simply squeeze the juice from a lemon into a small bowl and dab the juice over your face with a cotton swab; you can also dilute the juice with water if your skin is sensitive.

Potato Juice

Yes, you read that right! Potatoes are a fantastic way to remove acne scars. Through my years working as a makeup artist in London, it’s a method I’ve suggested dozens of times.

Potato juice is rich in vitamins and minerals and is perfect for removing acne scars. Thinly slice a potato, then take those thin slices and apply them directly to the scarred areas you want to improve, leave them there for at least 15 minutes and then wash your face with warm water.

Sugar Scrub

You can never go wrong with a sugar scrub, especially when seeking ways to remove acne scars.

Sugar contains glycolic acid that removes dead skin and promotes cell regeneration, so it’s ideal for improving the appearance of scarred skin. Mix raw cane sugar with virgin olive oil and lemon juice into a fine paste and apply to the scarred areas for fifteen minutes once every few days.

Acne scarring is a horrible thing to suffer from and can hit your confidence. Try my tips to get rid of acne scars, and I promise you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Want your newly smooth skin to look its best? Book a beauty appointment with KSAVI, your local beauty professional and makeup artist in London.

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