stop greasy hair

How to Stop Greasy Hair

Greasy hair is something that we all want to avoid. Not only can oily hair feel uncomfortable, but it can also shake our confidence – especially when in the workplace. Thankfully, you can easily avoid it. Below, I explore some of my top tips on how to stop greasy hair, allowing even oil-prone locks to look balanced and healthy.

Don’t Condition Your Roots

For those that suffer from oily hair, it’s important only to apply conditioner to your ends. Throughout the day, your scalp produces a variety of natural oils which end up coating the roots of your hair. If you apply conditioner all over, your roots can begin to look weighed down, un-voluminous, and downright greasy. Instead, it’s best to only use conditioner from the mid-shaft to the ends, which will help stop greasy hair.

Use Dry Shampoo

If your hair starts to accumulate grease throughout the day, it can often make you feel self-conscious – especially when at work or a social event. Thankfully, there is a simple fix. Applying a small amount of dry shampoo to your roots will suck up excess oil, not only making your hair look less greasy, but also allowing you to go longer between washes, making your hair less greasy in the long run! Better still, a small can of dry shampoo can comfortably fit into your handbag.

If you don’t have any dry shampoo on hand, you can use baby powder as an alternative. Sprinkling a small amount of powder onto your roots will have the same effect as the dry shampoo. However, remember to rub the powder in to avoid a white cast.

Wash Your Hair Less Often

Washing your hair less often will make it less greasy in the long run. While this may sound counterproductive, it works when given a chance! With each wash, you are essentially stripping your scalp of its natural oils; your scalp produces replacement oil to combat this. If you’re washing your hair every day, natural oils will be reproduced daily. This makes your hair greasier short term. To avoid excess natural oils, try washing your hair every three to four days. If necessary, use a dry shampoo once a day to soak up excess grease.

Use the Right Products

Using too many hair products can lead to excess build up. If you suffer from greasy hair, it may be best to avoid styling products altogether. If this isn’t possible, just try to avoid products that make your hair look ‘shiny’. Additionally, it’s important to use shampoo for greasy hair. A shampoo designed for dry hair will contain a higher level of oil, leaving oil-prone hair looking greasy straight after washing.

Avoid Touching Your Hair

Many of us touch our hair regularly throughout the day. Touching your hair may be a difficult habit to break, but combatting it can prevent oily hair. When we touch our locks, we transfer the natural oils produced by our fingertips. To stop greasy hair, keep your hands away!

You can prevent greasy hair by following my top tips. By making a few simple changes to your lifestyle, you can leave the house with confidence, knowing your locks look grease-free.

Looking for a London makeup artist to make your face look as flawless as your hair? Contact KSAVI today to book an appointment.

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