How to Thicken Hair - KSAVI

How to Thicken Hair

For most women, our hair is an important feature, and all it can take is one little accident with peroxide or a bad weave, and we have straw-thin hair that looks its best when covered with a hat.

As a professional makeup artist in London that dabbles with hair, too, I often get asked about the best ways to thicken hair. There are dozens of methods out there, but to save you some time I’ve come up with a couple of hair care tips you can try at home to thicken up those locks.

Aloe Vera Juice

If you want to learn how to thicken hair, then aloe vera juice is a must-try. It’s the key ingredient in tons of natural shampoos and is packed with vitamins and minerals that will make your hair strong and healthy. Plus, its antibacterial and antifungal properties will keep your hair dandruff-free.

Drink half a cup of aloe vera juice twice a day, and you should see your hair start to thicken.


One effective natural way to thicken hair is to introduce flaxseeds into your diet. They contain lignans, a compound found in plants and omega three acids that act as inflammatory agents, boost your follicle thickness, and improve the condition of the skin on your scalp.

Rosemary Oil

If you’re looking to get thicker hair with something that provides more immediate results, then rosemary oil is an excellent place to start. The natural components of the oil have been found to stimulate hair growth and treat dandruff and dry skin when applied to the scalp directly.

To apply rosemary oil, I recommend mixing several drops with olive oil, mix it together and then gently massage into your scalp. Then leave the mixture on your hair for a few hours before washing.

After a few treatments, you should start to notice a difference.


If you’re looking for a quick hair thickening remedy you can fit into your routine, try hair supplements.

There are a lot of hair thickening products out there, but ideally, you want to aim for something like cod liver oil tablets. These tablets are full of omega three acids that will not only ensure you get longer hair and thicker strands but also improve your skin and reduce dandruff.

Another of my tips for thick hair is to mix cod liver oil tablets with vitamin B12 supplements or anything with a B complex ingredient.

Thin hair can be a nightmare, but hopefully, with a few of these tips to thicken hair, you should have those luscious locks looking their best in no time at all.

Looking for a new look to go with your thicker hair? Book a beauty appointment with KSAVI.

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