How to Get Rid of Wrinkles - KSAVI

Get Rid of Wrinkles

There is nothing quite like that moment when you look in the mirror and start to notice little creases and lines where there used to be none. Wrinkles are something we all get as we age and, even though there’s no way to get rid of wrinkles entirely, there are steps you can take to reduce them.

Over the years, working as a makeup artist in London, I’ve picked up some excellent tips to help keep eye bags at bay as you age.

Use a facemask

As a makeup artist, I get asked about facemasks all the time, and rightly so. I can’t stress enough the importance of a good facemask; not only is it great for cleansing your pores but it’s one of the best ways to get rid of wrinkles, or at least reduce their appearance.

To tighten wrinkles, I recommend using a facemask with plenty of Vitamin C. These masks cause your skin to produce more collagen which smooths out lines. You should start seeing results within 12 weeks.

Try facial exercises

Keeping your face muscles moving is a great way to reduce lines on your face.

I recommend picking one area at a time that you want to improve, like removing forehead wrinkles by lowering and raising your eyebrows in short sets of 30 for a few minutes. Keeping the muscles moving tightens them up and reduces the amount of stretch on your skin as it’s pulled tight against your face.

Eat your greens

Another superb anti-wrinkle remedy I’ve found is to change your diet.

Cut out inflammatory foods and eat more protein as it contains omega fatty acids and amino acids, which will help rebuild and repair damage to the skin on your face.

An excellent place to start is to eat more leafy greens like broccoli, kale and spinach.

Change your pillows

What you sleep on can affect the amount of face and neck wrinkles you develop.

Over the years, rough cotton pillows can damage your skin. I recommend sticking with soft silk and satin pillows or anything with a high thread count. Also, try to sleep on your back as lying on your side increases wrinkles on your cheeks, neck and chin as the fibres of your pillows leave tiny indentations on your skin.

Stick to these tips, and you’ll see a noticeable difference in a matter of months. However, remember, you can’t get rid of wrinkles entirely, but you can improve their appearance.

Want to learn how to reduce the appearance of wrinkles with makeup? Get in touch with KSAVI, a makeup artist in London with more than ten years’ beauty industry experience.

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